the journey
I dont care how long it takes me...
A girl in a long dress wearing brown boots in a desert scene.
A hand sketch of a close up cactus.
A girl sitting on a bail of hay, wearing brown tassel boots.
A girl sitting on the top of a large rock wearing brown moccasins in the desert.
Two girls walking with arms around each other, wearing brown boots.
Close up shot of cactus sprouting new life.
...but im going somewhere beautiful.
Two girls in the desert wearing boots.
Blue booties on wood and colorful blankets.
Hand sketch of an own face.
The desert sunset over a tall manicured-looking cactus.
I dont care how long it takes me.
Two sets of legs standing on trunks of trees wearing boots in the desert.
A pair of flats sitting on a rock next to cactus.
A girl in black walking away from you wearing black booties.
Two cool girls sitting on a bench in front of hotel sign wearing sandals.
Two girls walking towards you with their arms out.
...but I'm going somewhere beautiful.

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